Derek Fung Wing Chun 馮平波詠春拳澳洲悉尼

Sydney Wing Chun Martial Arts School


Wing Chun Concept of The Axis

Created by Long – An axis is typically defined as an imaginary line around which a body rotates. The Real Wing Chun practitioners understand this straight line to exist vertically from the crown of the head down through the groin and into the ground – intersecting the body’s centre of gravity. Producing strength and structural

Specific traditions in the DFWC school

Created by Long – When entering the school pay your respects by bowing to: a. The Great Grandmaster (Ip Man) photo b. The Grandmaster and Sifu Respect the school and its equipment Refrain from eating or using mobile phones while standing on the training mats Treat your training partners with respect Leave your Ego at the

Structure of The Wing Chun Stance

Created by Long – Wing Chun is well known for its structure and in our school we focus on the stance (Yee ji kim yeung ma 二字鉗羊馬), refer to figure 1. When the major points in the structures are aligned (represented by the red dots, also sometimes referred to as Axis), it easily allows the force to

Wingchun Martial Artist Code of Conduct

Created By Long – A wingchun martial artist’s code of conduct. Remain disciplined – Uphold yourself ethically as a martial artist. Practice courtesy and righteousness – Serve the community and respect your elders. Love your fellow students – Be united and avoid conflicts. Limit your desires and pursuit of bodily pleasures – Preserve the proper

MA (馬): A Beginner’s Perspective on the Wing Chun Stance

By Gabriel Yakub –  Just about every martial arts style has a distinct way of standing ‘en guarde’, aimed at aiding the combatant to strike, block and hold their ground effectively against an opponent. This is typically referred to as ‘stance’, in Chinese it’s called Ma. Ma is a broad leap from the typical ‘plant

The Apex – power of Wing Chun training stance

The Wing Chun training stance (二字鉗羊馬 Yee ji kim yeung ma) The Wing Chun training stance is based on a triangle, also known as the strongest shape. This is the first triangle you will learn from the beginning. The concept within the triangle is to highlight the apex (red triangle in figure 1), which is

Derek Fung Wing Chun Online Course

Now for the very first time, you can have DIRECT and INTERACTIVE access to Sifu Derek Fung’s vast knowledge of Wing Chun – its history, theory, practice and its application. Enrol now.

Sifu Derek Fung’s First Sydney Seminar: Martial Sayings Revealed

Have you read the martial sayings of Wing Chun? You’ve probably also heard about the existence of coveted ‘martial arts manuscripts’ that hold supposed secrets only passed to lineage holders. But how much of this is true? In fact, the Wing Chun Kuen Kuit (詠春拳訣) is the result of the accumulation of centuries of knowledge

Sifu Derek Fung

Sifu Derek Fung is a Wing Chun master and a disciple of the legendary Grandmaster Yip Man, and a senior training brother of the late international martial arts star Bruce Lee. Born in 1939 in Guangdong Province in China, he settled in Hong Kong in 1945. In 1954 at age 14, he was introduced by


詠春拳葉問宗師嫡傳弟子及國際功夫巨星李小龍師兄—溤平波大師 馮平波大師1939年出生於中國廣東省。1945年到香港定居。1954年,14歲時由親戚介紹跟從葉問宗師,為葉問宗師第一代詠春傳人。 馮大師自幼醉心於詠春拳,潜心研習葉問詠春拳,在同一代大師中有着「閃電手」的稱號。 1958年,馮大師赴澳留學,在澳洲生活至今一直拳法不離手。經過六十多年的鑽研及實踐,功力已非常深厚,對詠春拳有非常深切的領會。 詠春拳是中國南方著名拳種之一,距今已有二百多年歷史。詠春是一套以柔制剛的武術,早已聞名於世界各地,所以,有「北有太極;南有詠春」之稱。詠春拳主要 為:內修功力,外練筯骨,適合防身自衛,強身健體。同時,詠春拳會因長期練習,自身功力會越來越深厚。而且,不論男女老幼也適合練習詠春。 馮大師現已在18 Mary Street Surry Hills (洪門致公總堂)設館收徒,旨在將詠春拳發揚光大。