Wing Chun

Wing chun Kicking

Who says Wing Chun has no kicking?

A well known phrase in Chinese martial arts is 南拳北腿 (naam4 kyun4 baak1 teoi2). Commonly translated as ‘Southern fists, Northern kicks’, it implies a clear division between Southern and Northern styles of Chinese martial arts. Southern styles are typically known for having stable low stances and powerful fist techniques, while Northern styles are renowned for

Single hand Chi Sao

When a student first begins Wing Chun their first lesson will invariably involve them being taught Siu Nim Tao (the first form) by one of their elder Kung Fu brothers. This will incorporate learning the correct stance and then the basic arm position and movements which are all part of the Wing Chun System. Once

The guarantees in life

“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise, nor wealth to the brilliant, nor favour to the learned: but time and opportunities are guaranteed to all. The outcome then depends on what you do with your time and the opportunities that are presented.”

The quality of humility

Many people perceive Chinese martial arts as a system that teaches people self defence and ultimately teaches people how to fight. However, Chinese martial arts is not just as a means of self defence but as a system of ethics. Despite the school of martial arts you’re learning, they all have one thing in common;

Siu Nim Tao – “Some food for thought”

Siu Nim Tao is the first form in Wing Chun which includes 108 movements. All the hands of Wing Chun are incorporated within this form. Siu Nim Tao is possibly one of the most underrated, misinterpreted and least understood martial art forms in existence. One of the secrets and least regarded aspects of Wing Chun


咏春拳手法丰富,打法精湛,朴实无华的拳法里蕴藏着深奥的拳理。学咏春如学做人,一切要兢兢业业从根本做起。要想练就精湛的拳技,就要从基 本做起, 认真按照师父的指导做好每一个动作。基本中的基本就是马步,就像是参天大树的根,所谓“根深则叶茂”,咏春技法的发挥很大程度上依赖于二字钳羊马的功力和 稳固。 咏春讲究法度,也就是方法和分寸,因为咏春技术是非常讲究精准严密的,差一点点就可能功败垂成,所谓“差之毫厘,谬以千里”,因此师父的言传身教非常重要的。时下许多咏春门人忽略了马的重要性,而去追求手法的花哨,可以说的本末倒置,难怪练不到好功夫。 讲到法度,师父常说差一点点都不可以,而且需要按照师父的要求花很长的时间调整和改正,不是几天几个月的事,这意味着马的法度要 精准而且要不断的自 我检查和调整,这是个长期而持续的过程。很多人往往急于学习更多的技术和套路而忽略了马这个最重要的基本,没有马还谈什么咏春? 谈到练马的法度,按照师父的要求,开马前身体要正直不可歪斜,开马后身体会下沉,但是不 能破坏身形的正直,马步不可太宽也不可太窄,膝盖要松,微微 前送1-2厘米,马步不动,身体在正直的前提下向前微微前送两厘米,在意念里保持一个向前的惯性力。注意一定要精准不可多,否则会变成跪马,不仅会造成膝 盖僵硬,身形不稳不灵活,而且时间长了膝盖会受伤。 要想克服掉蛮力死力就必须按照师父的要求站好马,通过长期的练习练出中心力和惯性力。身体始终保持正 直是为了练出“中心力”,而且要练习“惯性 力”,就要想象自己用马步站在一辆每小时2公里缓缓行驶的汽车上,最后没油了,慢慢车停下来,而自己会因为惯性力而自动前进。只有通过练马和小念头练出了 中心力和惯性力,才能够真正练出咏春整、稳、圆、活的劲力,为下一步学习寻桥做好准备。 千里之行始于足下,师父常说功夫就是长期刻苦的练习,听懂了不一定会做,所以一定要不断的努力,反复检查,请师父及时纠正,这样才能够练出合格的马步。